Poster Development

I wanted to try a photo as the background for my poster to see what effect this how on how you read the information. After some feedback in last weeks class I wanted to try and make the image less negative and cliche, so I looked for photos that had a uni/campus setting but had students interacting respectfully.


I tried a few different layouts, trying to make my text the most important while also not covering up the background imagery.


I had a new idea where the poster was had a flap on top of the illustration so that, when it was lifted, it showed how my project would educate students and prevent sexual assault on campus. However, after trialling this idea and showing my peers, I decided that it was unnecessary.

Author: Melissa Dann-Hoare

Second year student at Massey University College of Creative Arts, studying Visual Communication Design. Has a passion for drawing, writing, illustrating, designing, and small cats.

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